Transitioning is a part of life and some of the time it easy. This goes for children and adults a like. Please take a look at the information below on how to make transitions for children easier, especially when challenging behavior rears it's head....
How to Help Your Child Transition
Smoothly Between Places and Activities
Alyson Jiron, Brooke Brogle & Jill Giacomini
Transitioning, or moving, to new places, people and activities is something we
do many times during the day. However, change can be overwhelming and
seem unpredictable for your child, especially when she is not ready to move
on to the next place or activity. Children make many transitions each day—
from parents to teachers, from home to car, or from play time to the dinner
table, for example. When and how often transitions occur are usually decided
by an adult and children often act out with challenging behavior when they
feel unable to control their routine. When you help your child prepare for
transitions you are helping her to learn a valuable skill. The good news is that
you can teach her this important skill while you are enjoying time together.
Try This at Home
Use a timer, an instrument or a funny noise
to give your child advance warning of routine
transition events. If possible, ask him to help
“alert” everyone to the upcoming event.
For example, let your toddler bang a pot with
a wooden spoon to let the family know it is
time for dinner.
Let your child pick out a special object or toy
to transition with to the next activity or place.
“Would kitty like to come with us to the
grocery store? I wonder if she could help us
find the items on our list?”
Use a visual schedule to show your child the
plan for the day. “First, you have school and
then we are going to take Aunt Rachel’s gift
to the post office and mail it to her.”
Make the transition a game or activity
where the child has the opportunity to move
around. “I wonder if today we can use this
big shovel to scoop the cars into the bucket
while we clean up?” If possible, let him think
of the game. “I wonder how we could get to
the car today?” You might be surprised at his
creativity and how much fun you have roaring
like a dinosaur or hopping like a rabbit.
Sing songs as you transition. Children love to
hear songs as they move about their day.
Make up silly songs together about what you
are doing or where you are going. You are sure
to get a laugh and likely a smooth transition.
Give your child a job. Children are more
cooperative when they can be part of the
process. Perhaps he can help stir something for
dinner, unlock the car doors with the remote
or pick out a diaper before a diaper change.
Practice at School
Children transition from one activity to the next
throughout their day at preschool. Teachers plan
for transitions in advance by creating special
routines. These routines help to prepare children
for transitions, engage them in the change that
is taking place and help them to move smoothly
to the next activity. Teachers might use a special
instrument or song to let children know it is
clean up time. Teachers might read books to the
children while they are standing in line waiting
for a turn to wash their hands before snack or
create an obstacle course or morning routine to
help children and parents transition at drop-off.
When children are able to participate in or lead
the transition, they are excited and eager to move
to a new activity.
The Bottom Line
The more a child can predict and participate in
the schedule and activities of her day, the less
likely it is that challenging behavior will occur
and the more likely it is that she will eagerly
engage in transitions to new people and places.
Taking the time and making the effort to teach
her what to expect, when it will happen, and
what happens before the transition occurs can
be a rewarding experience. Most importantly, it
is also an opportunity for quality time that can
help lead to smoother transitions.