Friday, June 28, 2019

Project Sensory

Why is sensory play important in early education?
  1.  Sensory builds nerve connections in the brain’s pathways, which leads to the child’s ability to complete more complex learning tasks
  2.   Supports language development, congnitive growth, fine and gross motor skills, problem solving skills and social interactions
  3.   Sensory play aids in developing and enhancing memory.
  4.  Great for calming anxious or frustrated children.
  5.  Helps children learn sensory attributes such as, hot and cold, sticky and dry.

Bug Sensory bin

Homemade sensory board for our infant

Water beads!

Homemade sensory board for infants

Water beads!

Infant sensory board

Water beads!

Infant sensory board

Experimenting with slime

Experimenting with slime

Experimenting with slime

Experimenting with slime

Experimenting with slime

Whip Cream sensory with toddlers


Spaghetti explorations!