Friday, August 26, 2022

New Incentive For Our Wonderful Staff!

Happy Friday! It has been another great week at AOMF. Our staff have been so excited about all the new incentives. Our cooperate family as well as the mangement team wanted to show all the Academy teachers how much they are appreciated. To start it all off, we redecorated the staff room. It is now a coffee lounge where our teaches can unwind for a little bit and watch some tv. Also they will have lunch catered every Monday with a $25 dollar gas card. To top it all off " WootWoot Wednesday" every week. The WootWoot Cart goes around with yummy snacks, candy bars, and drinks. We all know that this is not an easy job and it takes alot of patience and love. We are so thankful that have such loving teachers. Take a look at all the new goodies.