Read Across America Week is celebrated from March 2 to 6 — it begins on the birthday of the beloved author, Dr. Seuss. The entire month of March, in fact, is dedicated to reading. The National Education Association (N.E.A.) aims to encourage reading and educate people about its benefits, especially among children and young adults. Events are organized across the nation by schools and organizations to promote the same.
This is how we will be celebrating at AOMF
Monday, March 3rd- Fox in Socks
Wear SILLY Socks
Tuesday, March 4th- The Cat in the Hat
Wear your favorite hat
Wednesday, March 5th- Wacky Wednesday
Wear a wacky outfit
Thursday, March 6th- Oh the Places You Will Go
up: What do you want to be?
Friday, March 7th- If I Ran the Zoo
Dress up as your favorite animal