The month of October has been filled with tons of activities. This month is all about Health and Safety. Last week we sent home Family Emergency Packets. Having a game plan for emergencies isn't just for school situations. Also, we had a pink out Friday. Our entire school dressed in pink to help celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This week we practiced an emergency intruder. Our teachers did so well! We were super proud of them! Today, Doug Sparkman, The Magic Man came and gave our children a magic show. We handed out pumpkins for our pumpkin decorating contest. Some of the classrooms have already started to decorate theirs. We are looking forward to the police and fireman coming to our school next week as well as Ollie the Otter. Because we have such awesome teachers here we make sure to show them how much we appreciate them! Each Friday we have a cart with tons of snacks and let them go shopping. Snack Cart Fridays have been a HUGE success!