Friday, October 20, 2017

This week has been JAM PACKED with tons of activities and awesome things to learn and do. On Monday, we surprised Ms. Michele with goodies for Boss's Day! She really enjoyed and appreciated our kind gesture. Then, we had 2 gentlemen from the Brentwood Police Department come and teach us about being safe with our parents and stranger danger. We also had an Ollie the Otter representative tell us about safety in the car. Ms. Michele was great volunteer and put on the otter costume. Most of the children actually thought it was a bear. LOL. On Tuesday, our friends made friendship bracelets to share with each other. On Wednesday, we made a cool Halloween Trail Mix for the families to take home during pick up. It was a BIG hit. On Thursday, the Brentwood Fire Department stopped by to help us learn about fire safety and of course can't forget about being able to view the inside of the truck! Today, is our very first Football Friday! Being from the south means being all about football. Pee wee, high school, college, professional....... we love it ALL! We can't wait to show off all of our expert decorating skills for our Pumpkin contest next week. Be on the look out for pictures to come and help us join in on the judging fun! Have a great weekend! 
We appreciate you Ms. Michele! You ROCK!

Some of Ms. Michele's favorite things. 

Police officers teaching about safety. 

The attention that children give to men is astonishing. 

Ms. Michele as Ollie the Otter. 

Halloween Boo Mix

"Hey guys, can I get a high five?".........."But mister, we don't know you." LOL

Muffins for our awesome community helpers!

"Hey mister, you're pretty big!"